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prj monas jakarta beritajakarta
prj monas jakarta beritajakarta .
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Monas jakarta Fair is Free of Charge

Jakarta Provincial Government will hold Jakarta Fair (PRJ) again in Monas. This event shows entertainment and creative multi-products exhibitions to welcome the 487th Anniversary of Jakarta. The city will not charge any residents during the six days PRJ implementation from June 10 to June 15 at Silang Monas area, Central Jakarta.

All free, Jakarta residents please come and enjoy it

Jakarta Vice Governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, said that this event is held for city residents to enjoy the real folk party atmosphere that started to erode in the previous annual event of PRJ Kemayoran. Basuki affirmed that the visitors will not be charged or can enter free because it is the goal of the Jakarta Provincial Government to provide an opportunity for residents to enjoy the city anniversary.

"All free, Jakarta residents please come and enjoy it," said Basuki, Wednesday (5/28).

7 Entertainment Stages to Enliven Jakarta Anniversary

The Monas PRJ event will be participated by more than 3,000 participants of small medium enterprises (UKM) and street vendors (PKL) in the city. A wide variety of creative products from the city government, state enterprises (BUMN) and regional enterprises (BUMD) will be exhibited as well. "There are free 2,600 booths. While 1,600 booths are offered to BUMN and BUMD to be leased. We will strictly select who will fill the stands in Monas PRJ," added Basuki.

The 2014 Monas PRJ event is organized without using city budget, but relied on sponsorship. This event will be enlivened by the 140 communities in Jakarta, Betawi music performance, Betawi culinary bazaar, charity, and also filled with thematic daily events.

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